What we do

We work with national bodies, local authorities and landowners to protect and enhance the unique ecological values of the Taupō Stream catchment near Plimmerton & Pukerua Bay, Porirua

We promote and coordinate community discussion, involvement and support for the protection and restoration of the area. To do this, we engage with a wide range of local, regional and national community organisations who share our values

FOTSC members lobby for funding for planned projects which serve to maintain the area’s unique ecological importance

FOTSC members run regular community work days as part of the Taupō Swamp restoration project. At the end of 2023 more than 15,000 locally sourced wetlands plants have been planted in ground cleared of pest weeds.

FOTSC contributes to the monitoring of key indicators of ecosystem health such as water quality, predators, planting, weed control, flooding, fire risk and so on. We call upon the advice of members and partners who have expertise in these areas

FOTSC encourages sustainable recreational activities in the catchment

FOTSC actively advocates for the values of the wetlands by making submissions to local, regional and national planning processes.

FOTSC submissions 2019

FOTSC submissions 2020

FOTSC submissions 2021

FOTSC submissions 2022

FOTSC submissions 2023

FOTSC submissions 2024:
15 May 2024
19 June 2024