This map shows the Plimmerton Farm sitting on the eastern side of State Highway 1, between Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay north of Wellington (outlined in green).

This farm is currently zoned as rural.

Porirua City Council has notified a proposed plan to change this zoning to residential and commercial. The land sits in the middle of a large catchment area where all the water/ sediment drains into the swamp and wetlands on both sides of the highway, are filtered by the Taupō Swamp and associated wetlands, and then carried out to the harbour via Taupō Stream. You will see from this view that ‘transforming’ that landscape to build houses on its steep slopes, wooded valleys and connected wetlands would not be possible without substantial landform modifications.

We care about this for many reasons, and hope you do too…

We all have until July 2, 2020 to make our feelings heard. There’s just one chance to tell decision makers what we think. BUT the best chance to make a difference.

This is not just about the change of zoning, but is the ONLY chance we have to advocate for the conditions under which that land is developed over the next 20+ years or so!

We want to be proud of the actions we take now to insist on ‘best practice’ development with environment as a priority not a casualty.

Submission Information:

  • Your submission must be with Porirua City Council (PCC) by Thursday 2 July 2020

  • Keen to make a submission and not sure what to say? We have developed a helpful submission example which can be viewed here

  • You can complete your own submission on the PCC website via PDF or word document.

  • Once you have downloaded the form, you can fill it in, save it, then attach it in an email to

  • Have some more questions? We have reviewed all of the information, met with environmental experts, partnered with environmental organisations, had in-depth discussions with residents, Council and the developer to ensure we could provide an exhaustive list of answers to your most complex questions. You can view these here

  • Thanks for working with us to get the best outcomes for the Plimmerton Farm Development